Wanduhr in der großen Aula im LMU Hauptgebäude


A meta-scientific research program to analyse and optimise replicability in the behavioral, social, and cognitive Sciences.


Welcome to the DFG funded priorty program META-REP. Here you find an overview of the different parts of our research program.

Results & Publications

Here you can find the results (e.g. publications, research software, code implementations) of the META-REP program.


Aims & Scope of META-REP

The behavioral, social, and cognitive sciences are in the midst of an intensive debate about the replicability of their empirical findings. Shaken by the results of many replication projects that have been conducted in recent years, scholars have begun discussing what replicability actually means and when a replication can be regarded as successful vs. failed, whether low replication rates are caused by too many false positive findings in the literature, methodological weaknesses in the replication studies, measurement issues, and/or the underappreciated influence of contextual effects, and what can be done to effectively and sustainably secure a high level of replicability in the behavioral, social, and cognitive sciences.

The priority program "META-REP" (SPP 2317) aims to contribute significantly to this debate by

  • describing and defining "replication" (including "successful" vs. "failed" replications) across different scientific disciplines (the "what" question),
  • explaining why replication rates vary across and within different disciplines (the "why" question), and
  • evaluating measures that have been proposed and implemented to increase replication rates (the "how" question).

For further information see our DFG Project Proposal.

Key Questions

Inhalt wechseln

The priority program META-REP (SPP 2317) aims to contribute significantly to this debate by

describing and defining "replication" (including "successful" vs. "failed" replications) across different scientific disciplines.

The priority program META-REP (SPP 2317) aims to contribute significantly to this debate by

explaining why replication rates vary across and within different disciplines.

The priority program META-REP (SPP 2317) aims to contribute significantly to this debate by

evaluating measures that have been proposed and implemented to increase replication rates.

Program Committee

Prof. Dr. Mario Gollwitzer


Prof. Dr. Felix Schönbrodt

Akademischer Rat

Prof. Dr. Susann Fiedler


Prof. Dr. Tina Lonsdorf


Prof. Dr. Katrin Auspurg


Program Coordination & IT Coordination

Name E-Mail Telefon Raum Funktion
Ziegler (geb. Prager), Johannes jo.prager@psy.lmu.de +49 89 2180-5185 3316 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter | Postdoc
Frank, Maximilian maximilian.frank@psy.lmu.de   3103 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter | Doktorand


Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Lehrstuhl Sozialpsychologie
Leopoldstraße 13a
80802 München

Phone: +49 (0)89 2180 5182
email: meta-rep.coordination@psy.lmu.de
